Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Thinking Better of Yourself is Best Way to Better Yourself


Do you talk to yourself?
I talk to myself, often.
I talk to myself when I’m trying to find something.
I talk to myself when I am trying to solve a problem.
I talk to myself when I am screaming at poor drivers since there is no way in the world that they can hear me.


But I am also notorious for talking to myself as a form of self reflection, especially when it comes to self-correction.
When I realize that my language and my thinking are not conducive to my success or that it is not making me better, I subscribe to self-correction.
Self-correction is a way you can make yourself better.
If you are someone who gets down on yourself or is tougher on yourself than you should be, self-correction is a great way to think better of yourself.
As someone who is continuously working to be a better form of me, I have been able to use self-correction to get me back on track when I start down the road of self-doubt. As a result of that self-correction, I begin to think better of myself, which in turn makes me better.


In life, you will live out how and what you think.
Thus, to be better we must think differently.
In this blog post, Thinking Better of Yourself is Best Way to Better Yourself, I take you through my self-correction self-talk.
Not all of what follows may pertain to you, but for those of us who can think our way out of possibilities or opportunities or who are critical of ourselves, let the thoughts I share spark thoughts of your own.
I believe wholeheartedly that the best way for you to be better is to first start by thinking better of yourself.


1. There is only one you. Be sure to handle yourself with care.
2. You can’t please everybody. You’ll tear yourself down trying to and still won’t please everybody.
3. Sometimes you have to say “No.” Stop feeling guilty about it.
4. The good, the bad, everything and everybody in your life offers you a learning opportunity. Make sure you’re paying attention.
5. The surface tells you only so much. It’s what happens behind the scenes that you really need to be prepared to handle. If you can handle what happens behind the scenes, you’ll be prepared for just about anything.
6. As a leader you’ll sometimes have to make tough and unpopular decisions. Don’t allow others to make you feel bad about your decisions. If you made the wrong decision, you’ll know better for the next time. If there is not a next time, you’ll still know better.
7. Only to the narcissist is self-doubt not a natural part of being human. Acknowledge your self-doubts, then take some actionable steps to work your way through them.
8. Disappointments are a part of life. Make your next disappointment be the best thing that happened to you.
9. Don’t measure your level of success by comparing yourself to someone else. Your life script is different than theirs. It’s natural, then, that your success may look a whole lot different.
10. Embrace the success that was meant for you instead of living your life trying to obtain the success that was meant for someone else.
11. Just because you may not be able to help everybody, don’t give up on helping that one somebody.
12. Not everybody whom you reach will let you know that you reached them and had a positive impact on their life. Doing something to make a difference in the lives of others is what matters.
13. You’re not considered a failure if you never gave up.
14. Of course you have a lot to offer to others to help transform their lives. You simply have yet to cross their path. Be patient; when the time is right you’ll meet each other.
15. Be willing to prioritize. Knock off what is most important first. Leave other matters until they matter.
16. The person you are thinking about modeling your life after did not become who they are over night. You’ll get to your place in due time. Enjoy the journey.

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good time for see it